KIDS Regio @ Golden Sparrow Festival 2022
„Let’s focus on Genre- Best Practice, Keynote and Panel „
For a few years now, genre films and series have been experiencing a great revival – or did they never go away?
Especially with children’s films, adventure and crime stories, social dramas and comedies seem to be part of the standard repertoire. But why is that? And where does the limited genre diversity for the young target group come from? What advantages does genre storytelling bring? What challenges does it create?
In this theme-based morning session, current European genre productions for children will be presented, put into focus and discussed by our panelists.
Maurice Trouwborst – Director, Captain Nova (NL, 2021)
Philip Th. Pedersen – Director, Thrill Night (DK, 2021)
Sandra LeBlanc – Commisioniung Editor NDR; Coordinator for international serial production (e.g. Heirs of the Night (2020-2022)
Ulrike Schröder – International Acquisitions & Co-Productions, Global Screen
Presented by:
Marcus Stiglegger (PhD.) – Lecturer of Film Studies