Filem’On Festival 2022
Telling Stories for the New Generation of Europeans
Cultural Diversity, Co-Production, and Cooperation through the lens of European children’s film
Cinema Galleries, 27th of October 2022 15:30 CET
European children’s films have the ability to portray diversity, make it tangible for its (future) citizens and thereby foster European identity. Children are the audience of today and tomorrow. They deserve multi-faceted high-quality content that takes them, their needs, views, and dreams seriously. Children’s film functions as a cultural asset with high social relevance to get the young audience acquainted to both diverse cultures and the European Film.
Within this 2-hour long session, four recent produced European children’s films are presented by the filmmakers. It will be discussed how European co-production can foster stronger cooperation, how European financial aid and financing schemes were involved in the production of the projects and how a diverse and sustainable European children’s film scene and culture can strengthen European identity for the next generation.
The session will be jointly hosted by KIDS Regio and Filem’On. Supported by Vertretung des Freistaats Thüringen bei der EU, ECFA & Creative Europe Media Desk Flanders.
Camiel Schouwenaar
Director of Bigman (2022, NL & GER)
Anna J Ljungmark
Producer of Gabi between 8 and 13 (2021, SE & NO)
Ljubica Lukovic
Scriptwriter of How I learned to fly (2021, HR, BG, RS & SK)
Viviane Vanfleteren
Producer of Titina (2022, NO & BE)