10 years The Opening Industry Day: ”One Film can’t have it all!”

Innovative Approaches in the Exhibition Landscape
In cooperation with KIDS Regio
during M:brane Forum
10. March 2020, Malmö
For the 10th time KIDS Regio is thrilled to co-host The Opening Industry Day as the Industry Hub of the M:brane Forum. Inspired by the results of the 3rd KIDS Regio Forum, held in June of 2019, in Weimar and the ongoing public debate, the year 2020 will be devoted to the overall question of how European film can attract new audiences.
At The Opening Industry Day we will open up the topic from theatrical distribution to a multitude of different approaches in the exhibition landscape. There will be a panel discussion where the participants confer over the hypothesis that it’s impossible for a film to be successful on all exploitation channels. Each of them represents a different part of the value chain as well as various countries. With the help of selected best and worst cases, different strategies and success models are discussed by:
Wendy Bernfeld (NL) / CEO of Rights Stuff in Amsterdam
Nicole Kellerhals (DE) / Dramaturge at X-Filme Creative Pool
Maciej Jakubczyk(PL) / Head of Kids Kino International Film Festival and the Kids Kino Industry Forum
Alfred Sesma (ES) / Sales and acquisitions manager at Pack Màgic
Petra Rockenfeller (DE) / Cinema Manager at LICHTBURG FILMPALAST Oberhausen
Panel Host: Paul Tyler