The Opening Industry Day 2017
Engage, Inspire, Immerge
In cooperation with KIDS Regio
during The Financing Forum for Kids Content
14. March 2017, Malmö
Welcome hosts:
Annette Brejner, Creative Director of The Financing Forum for Kids Content
Viola Gabrielli, Project Manager KIDS Regio
Opening Keynote: Inspire, Engage, Immerge
Alison Norrington, presenter of The Opening Industry Day
Alison Norrington is a writer/producer, CEO, Founder & Chief Creative Director of storycentral, a London-based global entertainment studio that incubates and develops ground-breaking transmedia properties with global partners in film, television, publishing, advertising, branding, theme park and gaming.
Inspirational PANEL
What makes us stand out? – The Nordic Prospect to Success
Anttu Harlin (Finland), CEO Gigglebug Entertainment
Panel Guests:
Jean-Philippe Randisi (United Kingdom/France), CEO Zodiak
Jonas Forth (Finland), Managing Director, Moomin.com / All Things Commerce Helsinki Ltd.
Yaba Holst (Sweden), Feature Film Commissioner, SFI
The kids media industry is a gigantic global business. And as we all know, its building blocks are rumbling. To understand the change and to understand your role in it, we explore what makes a Nordic idea attractive to the rest of the world. And what doesn’t? We ask how can Nordic authors, creators and producers improve their chances of success and climb up the value chain two steps at a time? Get key insights from industry experts on how to add value to your work.
Speaker: Kristine Knudsen (Germany/Norway), founder & producer of Knudsen & Streuber Medienmanufaktur GmbH,
Reza Memari (Germany), screenwriter and film director, producer
Kristine Knudsen and screenwriter and co-director Reza Memari speak about their creative process, their recipes of taking the right business steps, which made an original story sold out worldwide, reflect on their challenges and share their ideas on how to reach their target audience. RICAHRD THE STORK tells the story of little sparrow Richard, who is adopted by a stork family. Convinced he is himself a stork, he travels all the way to Africa to prove it to his stork family. His newfound pals Olga, a pygmy owl with an imaginary friend, and Kiki, a disco-singing parakeet with a fear of heights, help the tiniest stork accept that he is a truly great sparrow.
Gigglebug – Building a 360 degree brand for pre-schoolers
Speaker: Anttu Harlin, co-creator and CEO of Gigglebug Entertainment
Anttu Harlin, co-creator and CEO of Gigglebug Entertainment, tells about the challenges, decisions and learnings of the journey so far for Gigglebug, pitched at The Financing Forum in 2013. The biggest ever animated kids TV series produced in Finland has grown from a seedling of an idea in 2011 into a Nordic success story on TV, apps, books, music and live events.
Embrace your audience
HOPSTER TV – the app that helps children to understand their world with content they love.
Speaker: Miki Chojnacka (United Kingdom), Chief Content & Creative Officer of Hopster TV
Miki Chojnacka shared her ideas and her mission of how to make screen time a win to both children and parents. By presenting the structure and design of HOPSTER TV she also talked about the user experience and how to reach and engage with even a small target audience.
Listen to talents of today if you want to understand customers of tomorrow
Speaker: Jonas Rygaard (Denmark), INTERACTION DESIGNER at Fremtidsfabrik
Specialised in co-creating, Fremtidsfabrik involves young talents in the development process as well as execution and marketing of commercial projects for client’s projects. The company believes that today’s youth can become the most generous generation ever. It simply requires providing the right framework for them to grow and express themselves.
The eco-system of the gaming industry
Speaker: Martin Walfisz (Denmark), senior adviser, Nordisk Film Games, founder of the game developing company Massive Entertainment, co-founder of Game City (Sweden).
Jaana Nykänen (Sweden), CEO, game producer, Divine Robot
When talking about engaged audience, digital games of course comes top of the list in many ways. And lots of producers question how to make a game ad-on to their projects, in order to meet the demands of kids and youth. As the digital game developments eco-system is so different from let’s say that of film and TV. Martin Walfisz, senior adviser, Nordisk Film Games and founder of successful game developing company, Massive Entertainment spoke about the hallmarks of the game development industry. To further explore this topic, Martin was joined by Jaana Nykänen, CEO and game producer at Divine Robot.
New forms of storytelling I
Speaker: Aksel Køie (Denmark), Founder & Producer, Step In Books
Step In Books have won awards in both Denmark, Scandinavia and Globally. In 2017 they won the Digital Prize at the Bologna Book Fair and have been nominated to many other prizes both within gaming and literature for the app, Wuwu & Co. – a magical picture book. Wuwu & Co. was pitched at the Financing Forum in 2014, which was the absolute first step for the little company and for Wuwu.
Aksel Køie is now well known for his interactive bewitching immersive stories with engaging characters, and he will introduce us to his brand new transmedia project COSMO. The project will produce a VR experience that combines a space explorer with podcast-like storytelling in a reduced graphical style that takes us back to the Bauhaus movement, created by Helle Vibeke Jensen. Produced by Aksel Køie and directed by Johan & Urte Oettinger.
New forms of storytelling II
Speaker: Ersin Han Ersin (United Kingdom), Creative Director of Marshmallow Laser Feast
Ersin Han Ersin, Creative Director of London based creative studio Marshmallow Laser Feast invites us to immerse into his latest project TREEHUGGER: WAWONA. The VR experience project explores human perception through bleeding edge tech. It is set to unveil the first chapter of Treehugger Wawona – an interactive installation that combines todays cultural hunger for mind-blowing experiences with art, environmentalism and technology in an attempt to curb deforestation.
The project is a follow-up to last year’s globally acclaimed project IN THE EYES OF THE ANIMAL, which recently won the WIRED Audi Innovation Award for experience design.
The studio mashes up art, data, tech and science to curb deforestation with the objective to bring the breath-taking beauty of the world’s most impressive trees to people and places who may never have experienced them; to connect humans with nature and encourage them to consider the future of these natural giants in the face of a global climate crisis.