3rd European KIDS Regio Forum
KIDS Regio Forum 2019 – Towards a vital European children’s film culture
On June 27th and 28th 2019 more than 80 film industry experts from 24 countries came together at the 3rd KIDS Regio Forum 2019.
At the two day conference a wide range of representatives from the European film industry and from other areas met in Weimar. They discussed key topics such as distribution and access to European children’s film across borders, the marketing of children’s films and positive image building for children’s film as cultural asset.
One of the top speakers, Kenyan director Likarion Wainaina spoke about his experiences when making the film SUPA MODO. “It’s not only our job to build up the industry but to lay a foundation for the next generation that will define what cinema will be all about.” Katriel Schory, CEO (Emeritus) of the Israel Film Fund gave a deep insight into what it means to build a film culture against all odds. “Film and policy makers as well as funds have a responsibility towards the young audience and should take this responsibility very seriously.”
Within an interactive and interdisciplinary conference design, demands were developed to impact regional, national and European film policy as well as film production and film accessibility in the coming years. The participants demand an even closer cooperation on a European level in order to make European children’s films more diverse and visible. By stating very clearly that 15 % of the European population is children there is a need for at least 15 % of the funding budget and screen time to be dedicated to children’s film. This also calls for film schools to assign 15 % of the curriculum to children’s media. The industry experts plea for a better integration of film education within all parts of the academic world.
In order to create synergy between the stakeholders of the children’s audio-visual industry and enhance lobbying towards policy makers KIDS Regio will build even stronger strategic partnerships with ECFA (European Children’s Film Association) and allies from outside the children’s media industry. Highlighting the importance of accessible data and research, the participants demand regular studies, using European wide standardized questionnaires on content, audiences, film literacy practices and production culture.
The results of the conference found their way into the Weimar Declaration, calling for a diverse European children’s film landscape with a united voice.
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff, Head of the State Chancellery of the Free State of Thuringia and Minister for Culture, Federal and European Affairs