Berlinale Co-Production Market – Theme Talk
BLURRING BORDERS – Diverse players and markets – New prospects with special focus on children’s film and media content
In cooperation with KIDS Regio and The Financing Forum for Kids Content.
11. February 2013 | Venue: Abgeordnetenhaus, Berlin
There is clearly a shift taking place in the Media World, particularly in the diversification of players and markets. Companies like Google, Amazon, Netflix, Maxdome, Telekom, Apple, Samsung and Nokia own platforms, which have become serious players in the global distribution of content. The children’s and youth audience across Europe by their nature are often in the lead in the take-up of new technology, new platforms and new content forms. These changes in audience relationships and habits mean that the creative industries have to go beyond classical forms of financing and distribution.
Wendy Bernfeld (The Netherlands, Ireland)
Josephine Rydberg Lidén (Sweden)
Top industry profile Wendy Bernfeld (The Netherlands, Ireland), Rights Stuff, shared her knowhow on how to navigate in a diversified market without losing focus. She has been active first in-house operationally and then as consultant/agent, for traditional and new international media players on both sides of the ocean and has worked on strategy, content, business and legal for the digital platforms (as buyer) and for producers/distributors (as seller/consultant). In her talk with Josephine Rydberg Lidén (dramaturge, cross-and transmedia expert) she suggested tools for mapping the new international digital platforms /players and give ideas on how to network and engage successfully with them.
This event was designed to provide useful stimuli for producers, distributors and other professional industry players working with producing and financing children’s content in film, television, games, cross- and transmedia. The talk gave inspiration and information on various opportunities for new formats as well as alternative ways to distribute and finance content. Participants were invited for a small get together.
The Berlinale Theme Talk of the Co-Production Market has been a line-up for the Opening Day at The Financing Forum for Kids Content, 11. – 13. March 2013 in Malmö, Sweden.