KIDS Regio Activities
KIDS Regio acts as a proponent for children’s film productions and distribution in Europe informing and stimulating debates for understanding the social and cultural value of films for children but also their specific requirements regarding their production and distribution.
KIDS Regio acts as a mediator to bring together academics, politicians and the children’s media industry to discuss challenges and new synergies.
KIDS Regio partners on research for example supports studies like the PHD project “Children films in European TV programmes” of Franziska Matthes, a comparative study of children’s films in TV programs in Germany, France, UK, Italy, Poland, Sweden and Hungary accomplished by the University of Erfurt.
KIDS Regio facilitates the exchange of ideas by strengthening and building new partnerships in order to accelerate and encourage circulation as well as variety of European productions, co-productions and distributions for children and youth.
KIDS Regio designs and produces innovative international workshops which focus on exploring new innovative ways of marketing solutions (including transmedia) and best practice examples (linear and transmedia).
KIDS Regio improves transparency and exchange of statistical data across all European countries, and provides data on annual children’s film productions for the European Audiovisual Observatory (e.g. Lumiere database with children’s film productions, admissions).
KIDS Regio promotes film as an essential part of cultural diversity and supports film literacy to introduce and recommend cinema and film as art to become part of the school curriculum.