KIDS Regio Berlinale Meeting Point: New Realities – New Worlds – VR Experiences for Children’s films
In cooperation with Creative Europe Desk Berlin-Brandenburg, The Financing Forum for Kids Content, Malmö and Technical University Ilmenau, Audiovisual Technology Group.
17. February 2018 | Venue: The Representation of the Federal Region Thuringia, Berlin
Digital technology developments are reshaping our industry and influencing the audience. After Augmented Realty, Virtual Reality is one of the recent technological hypes of immersive media which has a potential attraction also for the young users.
This year’s KIDS Regio Berlinale Meeting Point introduced the most intriguing story worlds and explored the impact that virtual realities have on its audience as well as on the art of storytelling.
Our international experts shared their experiences on:
- How Virtual Reality works in film and how does it affect the art of storytelling and user experiences?
- How does a young audience respond to virtual reality experiences and how do they interact?
- How would a writer begin to tell a story for children within virtual realities?
Rafael Pavon (Spain), filmmaker and Creative Director of Future Lighthouse, spoke about his passion for virtual realities, introduced the studios most compelling story worlds and explained how virtual realities work in film.
Dr. Dylan Yamada-Rice (United Kingdom), Research Manager for Dubit, a company specialised in strategy, research and digital for kids entertainment brands, Senior Tutor in Information Experience Design at the Royal College of Art, gave us insights of her research study on VR & kids.
Alison Norrington (United Kingdom), writer/producer, CEO, Founder & Chief Creative Director of storycentral in London, told us what is entailed in creating virtual story worlds for children.
Presented by:
Nicola Jones (Germany), CEO of the German Children’s Media Foundation, previously she has been working at the German Federal Filmboard (FFA) and was responsible for the coordination of international affairs and matters of European film policy.