Dr. Dylan Yamada-Rice
Dylan Yamada-Rice is a Research Manager for Dubit, a company that specialises in strategy, research, and digital for kids entertainment brands. She is also a Senior Tutor in Information Experience Design at the Royal College of Art. Her research interests include digital play and multimodal communication practices, which she undertakes by working at the intersection of academic and industry knowhow. Dylan is Director of Industry Partner Links for the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) network DigiLitEY. She is currently a lead researcher on a commercially-funded study looking at children’s engagement with Virtual Reality content. Part of this project also involves collaborating with specialists from the University of Leeds to consider potential health and safety implications of the technology. Previously, she contributed to an ESRC-funded project exploring play and creativity in pre-schoolers‘ use of tablet apps and an AHRC-funded project on developing videogames and play for hospitalised children. She has edited and contributed to the book ‚Visual Methods with Children and Young People: Academics and Visual Industries in Dialogue‘ published by Palgrave (2015).
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