Martin Walfisz
Senior Partner, Nordisk Film Games | Nordisk Film A/S
Martin is a visionary serial-entrepreneur with 20 years’ experience creating companies, games and ideas. Nowadays he is working at Nordisk Film Games with the exciting mandate to invest in Nordic game studios. In an earlier life, he was the founder and CEO of Massive Entertainment, a now 400+ people-strong game development studio in Malmö, Sweden that was acquired by Ubisoft Entertainment group in 2008, and the founder and CEO of Planeto, a game studio focusing on creating quiz games and knowledge platforms for a global audience. Before growing up (has he?) Martin was a true computer and programming nerd, but these days the nerdiness is restricted to game playing: his latest proud achievement is reaching rank 5 in Hearthstone (Face Hunter FTW!).
Nordisk Film is a part of the Egmont Group, a leading media company with activities in 30 countries and 6,600 employees.
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