Josephine Rydberg-Lidèn
- Regional Cross-media Consultant for the County Council of Gävleborg 2012-
- Regional Film and Cross-media Consultant for the County Council of Jönköping 2012-
- Course developer at Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts, Storytelling for a Participating Audience, 2013
- Course Organizer/Teacher, Stockholm 2011-2012, Cross-media, from Storytelling to Distribution (crossmedia-stdh.squarespace.com/ & www.stdh.se/ )
- Film Commissioner, Gävle 2010-2012, film commissioner for short film and documentary in the region of Gävleborg. Also in charge of talent and project development. (www.lg.se/lanskulturgavleborg)
- Project Manager, Gothenburg 2011, for Lindholmen Media Arena, commissioned by Lindholmen Science Park in collaboration with Film i Väst, to draw up the plans for the region’s future cross- media initiative and living lab. (www.lindholmen.se/ & www.flmivast.se/)
- Film Teacher/Development Producer, Forsa folkhögskola, Forsa 2007- 2009. Held a course in short film production 2006-2009 in collaboration with Dramatiska Institutet (University College of Film)
- Project Manager, Film Gävleborg, Forsa 2004-2006. Project Manager of FILMA Hälsingland, A 2 1/2 -year film project funded by EU (LEADER)
- Film Commissioner and project manager, Film Gävleborg, Gävle 2001-2003. Manager of an SFI supported project (RÖRlig bild RÖR dig!) att the regional film centre. Film commissioner in the region of Gävleborg.
- Assistant Producer/Freelance, Illumina Ltd, London1999-2000. Assigned to programs as Download a magazine show about internet and entertainment, The Lounge about digital arts and presented by Hari Kunzro and 404 Not Found by Dave Green and Dan O’Brien.
- MA in Film Production with special focus on Nordic co-production 2009-2010, Dramatiska Institutet (University College of Film) Stockholm (Essay: Film and Cross-media Storytelling)
- MA in Film Production with special focus on international co-financing, 2008-2009 School of Film Directing Gothenburg University, Essay: Long term relations or brief affairs- a look at the director- producer relationship and it’s impact on films”.
- MA in Theatre and Film, University of Sheffield,1997-1998 “Jane Campion, Narrative and Visual Styles”
- Dramatic Arts, 60p, Gothenburg University, exam essay: “Aphra Behn och The Rover”
- History of Knowledge and Ideas, 50p, Gothenburg University
- Literature, 20p, Gothenburg University
- Ancient History 20p, Gothenburg University
- Crossover Lab 2010, Sweden
- Transmedia Next, 2011, UK
- Torino Film Lab, 2011, France/Italy
Participated in:
