
Becky Parry

Dr Becky Parry is author of Children’s Film and Literacy and was previously inaugural director for the Showcomotion children’s film festival in Sheffield. Becky specialises in research focused on children’s film and film education. Her doctoral research won the UKLA Research Award, 2013 and insights from this research are published in animated form for teachers. Becky is currently working on creative learning projects with Chol Arts and Children’s Capital of Culture. She is proud to be a board member for the European Children’s Film Association (ECFA) and excited to be developing a new programme of work focused on the development of screen-writing for and with children in the UK. 

Becky Parry works closely with creative and cultural organisations, helping them to examine their practices and improve their effectiveness. She is passionate about exploring the complex relationship between narratives created for children and the stories that naturally emerge from them. Specialising in digital, creative and participatory research and evaluation methods, she enables these organisations to gain deeper insights and maximise their impact in their fields.

Participated in:

  • KIDS Regio Forum 2024

United Kingdom