Sigrid Klausmann
Sigrid Klausmann, has been working since 2003 as a documentary film maker and founded jointly with her husband Walter Sittler Schneegans Productions. The themes of her films are the affairs of adolescents as in LISETTE UND IHRE KINDER (Lisette and her Children), THOMAS HITZLSPERGER UND DIE TOWNSHIP KINDER (Thomas Hitzlsperger and the Township children), DA HEIM (At Home) and NICHT OHNE UNS! (NOT WITHOUT US!). Sigrid Klausmann has received the cultural prize of the town of Ludwigsburg and since 2015 she has been patron of Stuttgart Child Protection League.
Born in Furtwangen in the Black Forest, grew up as the third of seven children, as she says herself, in a childhood home which was materially poor, but tolerant and full of joy. This childhood, she says, has been the cornerstone for her activities as an adult and her great interest for art and children. At first she worked as a sport and physical education teacher, was a modern dance teacher and choreographed and staged e.g. full-length plays such as „Die Räuber von Kardemomme” (The Robbers of Kardemomme), „Der überaus starke Willibald” (The Extremely Strong Willibald), „Freiheit” (Freedom), „Countdown der Gefühle” (Countdown of the Feelings) and „Unterwegs” (On the Road) – a project with 19 children and 19 suitcases.
FILMOGRAPHY (selection)
- 2016: NOT WITHOUT US! (NICHT OHNE UNS!); cinema / script & direction
- 2012: DaHeim (documentary); cinema / script & direction
- 2010/2015: 11 Episodes of the project 199 little heroes; TV / script & direction
- 2010: Thomas Hitzlsperger and the Township Kids; TV / script & direction (documentary / ARD / SWR)
- 2008: LISETTE UND IHRE KINDER (documentary); cinema / script & direction
- 2007: FLIEGEN WIRST DU NOCH (YOU WILL FLY!); cinema / script & direction, (film debut, documentary); co-production Frank Pfeiffer
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