Magdalena Jangard
Magdalena has funded film and television projects from several positions from the beginning of 2000. Since 2012 she is a film commissioner at the Swedish Filminstitute and supports national feature films with children films included. After studying culture and film and television production at the University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre in Stockholm, Magdalena became a producer at SVT Drama in 1993, taking over as head of the drama unit at SVT Väst in 2000. She also worked with the regional filmfund Film i Väst, with responsibility for its short and documentary films and as an advisor for feature length films. During 2007-2012 she was in the steering group for the Danish Film Institute’s public service fund and worked in television entertainment in tandem with film development and film production. Magdalena want children’s films to surprise, enrich and touch young audiences and tell stories with courage and curiosity from the children´s perspective. Most recent films she supported are Beata Gårdelers Flocking and Sanna Lenkens My skinny sister, both winners of a Crystal Bear at Berlinale 2015.
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