
Rüdiger Hillmer

Dr Rüdiger Hillmer is an independent script consultant, lector and coach for script development in film and television. Since 1995 he advises production companies, broadcasters, funding organisations and authors. Since 2001 under the label „Scriptbureau Hillmer“. His work focuses on children’s media (film, series, books). He also lectures at the Master School Drehbuch (Berlin) and teaches at the Babelsberg Film University „Konrad Wolf“ (Potsdam). Furthermore, he is an active member of Verband für Film- und Fernsehdramaturgie e. V. (VeDRA, Association for Film and Television Dramaturgy, board 2004-2014) and Förderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm e. V. (FDK, working group „Feature Films 6 – 8“).

Participated in:

  • KIDS Regio Forum 2024

Germany, Switzerland