
Susanne Ding

„Education and Culture“. She is working on the development and implementation of the European support programme for cultural and creative sectors, the Creative Europe programme.  Previously, she worked for the German Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media, where she was responsible for European media policy. She has represented the German Federal Government in various international bodies such as the European Union and the Council of Europe in the field of  media policy including the protection of minors in the media and media literacy. She has started her career in the Archives of the former Secret Services of the German Democratic Republic. Susanne Ding has studied Law in Trier, Heidelberg and Madrid.

What does your institution do?
The European Commission aims at the promotion and safeguarding of cultural diversity and at strengthening of the competitiveness of European cultural and creative sectors.
To this end it develops policies in various fields including European film and media literacy. Further it has launched the Creative Europe Programme for the support to the culture and audiovisual companies and organisations.

Creative Europe, with a budget of €1.46 billion, will provide funding for:

  • culture sector initiatives, such as those promoting cross-border cooperation, platforms, networking, and literary translation;
  • audiovisual sector initiatives, such as those promoting the development, distribution, or access to audiovisual works;
  • a cross-sectoral strand, including a Guarantee Facility and transnational policy cooperation.

How do you see the future of live action feature films for children?
Our aim is to increase the production of live action feature films that attract young audiences all over Europe. To this end we have included within the Creative Europe Programme a specific support system for the development and the cross border distribution of live action feature films for children.

Participated in:

  • KIDS Regio Forum 2014
