
Lorenzo Berardelli

Lorenzo Berardelli (born 1987) is a political scientist, freelance curator and studies film science at the University of Zurich. He has been working for the Swiss umbrella organisation Die Zauberlaterne since 2016. As club coordinator he is in charge of the Zauberlaterne clubs, which are run as independent associations. He accompanies the volunteers, familiarises them with the association system and guarantees the quality and adherence to the Zauberlaterne and Kleine-Laterne concept. He also organises guest artists for the scenic introductions before the film begins. Die Zauberlaterne, founded in 1992, is an international film club for children aged 6 to 12. Its latest project, Die Kleine Laterne, offers children aged 4 to 6 years, accompanied by their parents, the opportunity to get to know the medium of film and the cinema in an innovative way.

Participated in:

  • Vision Kino Kongress 2020
